• Service:Fullstack
  • Software:Laravel, React.js
  • Client:flopost
  • Date:2019

Flower E-commerce

Implement a single-page web application (SPA) - an online flower shop for a large wholesale and retail supplier.

Market Analysis and Requirements

SPA was chosen because such applications are more responsive, and, moreover, a client needs to add a large number of products (5-20), products with brief descriptions, and the assortment often changes completely. Since clients are wholesale buyers (physical flower shops), the audience is strictly limited, so there is no need for search engine optimization and advertising; therefore, SSR is not required. In the application, after authorization, the client can add products to the order, reserve products that are in transit, send the order for verification to the manager, adjust the active order, view the history of their orders and payments, edit their data, receive information about upcoming deliveries, and other relevant details.

Functionality Development

Implemented component groups:
● Product catalog;
● Product card;
● Customer profile;
● List/history of orders;
● Order page;
● Finances (payment history);
● Content page (page with free content);
● Authentication (browser cookies, x-csrf-token, CORS) through an existing API. In the application, it is necessary to obtain a token and store it in cookies; if necessary (for example, during a reload), send the cookie in the header to get the user status;
● Basic access rights through API. The application handles access states (if an anonymous user uses resources requiring authentication, they receive a warning or error or an authorization form);
● Notification in the application (react-toastify) - display messages through dispatch;
● Screen and initial application loading;
● Change title during routing (react-helmet).

Results and Ongoing Support

The project was developed in 21 working days.